Chapter 2 - System Board 2-13
The system voltage is monitored via a routed trace to the hardware monitoring ASIC. The
CPU temperature and fan speed are monitored via the 3-pin speed-detection fan with a two-
pin thermistor. Also, it is required that the fan/sink should be connected to JP2 and CN15 on
the system board. See Figure 2-2 for the location of these connectors and Figure 4-24 for the
fan/sink connection.
For information on Management software (e.g., LDCM or ADM), refer to the documentation
that came with your software.
Modem Ring-in Function
The Modem Ring-in function enables the system to resume from suspend mode by monitoring
the fax/modem (or any device of similar type) activities. Any signal or activity detected from
the Modem ring-in connector automatically returns the system to normal operation. Refer to
Figure 2-2 for the location of the Modem ring-in connector (CN23) on the system board.
LAN Function
The system supports LAN connection by integrating a 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet controller
and an RJ45 network port.
AcerPower 4100 uses a PS/2-type SPS (Switch Power Supply) which provides a 5V/1A
standby power via the onboard connector CN29 (see Figure 2-2 for the location of the
connectors). The onboard LAN relies on this standby power for its operation. Once it
receives a “magic packet”
, the system automatically wakes up. These magic packets are sent
via Management software that supports remote wake-up capability.
In the absence of an onboard Ethernet controller, LAN function can be supported via the
onboard Wake-on LAN connector (CN28 - see Figure 2-2). This connector is reserved for
NICs (Network Interface Cards). The NIC also relies on the system board’s standby power
for operations such as checking for magic packets. Once it receives a magic packet, a PME
(Power Management Event) automatically goes to the WOL connector to inform the system to
wake up.
Magic packet is defined as a 16 bit "00000000011111111" NIC card MAC (media control access)
address. This packet passes through the Ethernet wire. Once received by the LAN chip and an identical MAC
address has been detected, the LAN chip will start the WOL process.