46 - Internet and online security
Select Acer computers include protection by Norton Security
Norton Security is pre-installed on select Acer computers,
protecting your identity and financial data from viruses, spyware,
malware and other online threats. Learn more about how to stay
safe online and how to stay protected after your introductory
subscription ends.
Staying ahead of cybercriminals
Stay ahead of hackers and cybercriminals by understanding the
tactics they use to access your private data.
Ensure your software is up to date
Cybercriminals rely heavily upon software or platform
vulnerabilities, as they are the easiest way to sneak malware into
a user's device unnoticed, sometimes with little action on the
user's part. Immediately after a software manufacturer
announces an update, hackers are ready with malware that can
breach holes in the software that would have been patched if the
update was installed.
How to stay safe:
Perform any and all software updates as soon
as they are available.
Keep a lookout for fake or phishing emails
Beware of emails that appear to be from a friend or business
colleague that you know but seem a little odd. Maybe they didn't
capitalize your name or there are misspellings. The email might
be from cybercriminals who are trying to fool you into sending
them your credit card number, social security number, or logging
into a fake bank website that looks like yours but really isn't.
How to stay safe:
Use a strong antispam filter. If an email looks
strange, don't click on anything and delete it immediately. Instead
manually launch a browser and type in your bank's website
address and log-in yourself.
Specifications vary depending on model or Operating System.