2e. Adjusting the Set Points and Delays using Insight
After the controller is tuned and operating at normal velocity set point, the technician should configure DI#1 as Normally
Closed, and set the delay period so the AVC as a fume hood controller switches set points safely according to the
customer’s requirements. These adjustments are made in the
software by pressing the MODE button on the
Airflow Setpoint gauge and then select “Configure Control Setpoints” as shown below.
In the Configure Control Setpoint window, Select Enable next to DI-1 and a drop-down table will appear. This is where
you select which velocity setpoints are used for each position of Digital Input #1. Since we are only using DI #1, there
are only two conditions to be concerned about, open and closed.
Based on the wiring instructions provided in the previous section, the ZPS-H contacts will be closed when presence is
not detected in front of the fumehood and open when presence is detected. For this example, the Face Velocity
Setpoints will change from 100 FPM to 80FPM when presence is no longer detected at the fume hood.
Note the 300 second out delay prevents the Fume Hood Controller from changing its face velocity setpoint to 80 fpm
until five minutes after the ZPS-H detects no movement.
2f. Verification
Once the ZPS-H is set up, verify that the Digital Input of the AVC is configured to trigger the setback to lower flow and
test entire system by walking in front of the hood to verify that the hood responds appropriately.
Repeat walking test to
verify proper operation. (You may have to stand out of the area in front of the hood to give time for the AVC Fume Hood
Controller to revert to the Setback of the reduced velocity setpoint.)
When you are satisfied with the operation of the sensor, replace cover by engaging the cover on left side first then snap
down. Be careful not to change the position of the swivel sensor and move the sensor wires out of the way so they are
not pinched. The cover will not change the sensitivity of the ZPS-H.
Replacing the Cover
For additional technical support please call Accutrol at 203-445-9991.
Caution: Be sure to have a
sufficient time delay to prevent the valve
from entering unoccupied mode while
the hood is in use