Go to the root directory of the downloaded folder, and double-click the setup.exe file to
start installation. The following welcome screen will be shown, simply follow the Install
Shield Wizard according to the following guide:
you have the option to install
only the USB driver or with the
3D Audio Demo program, we
recommend you check both and
the setup program will install the
AU400 USB software to a default
path and folder
Please note that in some Windows XP system, you may be prompt at this point
asking you about Windows Logo testing issues, simply ignore this message and
Continue Anyway
to continue installation.
the setup program should begin to copy
files into your system,
after copying all the files, the program will
automatically install the required drivers
into your system, please be patient as this
may take a little while.
after successful installation of the drivers,
you will have to reboot your system, and
when you do, you should be able to see
the accutone orange logo displayed on the
bottom right corner icon tray.
The AU400 driver will only operate when connected to the USB port which you
have installed with. If your computer has more than one USB port, you can
determine if the port is the correct one by checking whether the orange
Accutone icon is in the icon tray as shown above.
4. installing driver and software
Driver Installation.
Installing your headset.
Driver Installation.
[ inspiring people, inspiring change ]
AU400 - Installation Guide & User Manual
AU400 - Installation Guide & User Manual
connecting the computer
adjusting the headset
multi-status LED indications
installing driver & software
operation, verification& trademarks