Rotate then press the MENU control to select individual
weighting factors within the Matrix Menu
Rotate the MENU control to adjust the selected weighting
factor then press it to confirm the required value
The sum of colour factors (the first three rows) in each
column of the matrix must not exceed 100; otherwise video
image distortion may occur.
Once the desired colour space has been achieved the settings
currently held in the Matrix may be saved in one of 5 stores for
later recall.
Rotate the MENU control to select the desired store Save
(1–5) within the Matrix Menu then press it to save the
current Matrix in the store selected
A dialogue box ‘Are you sure?’ (Figures 6 and 7) appears,
because saving a Matrix permanently overrides the current
contents of that store.
Rotate then press the MENU control to select YES to save
the Matrix, or to select NO to return to the Matrix Menu
Previously saved Matrices may be loaded from the 5 stores.
Rotate the MENU control to select the desired store Load
(1–5) within the Matrix Menu then press it to load the
current Matrix from the store selected
The Load indicator changes momentarily to inverse text to
indicate that the Matrix is complete
Loading a Matrix permanently overrides the current
contents of the Matrix.