Packaged Rooftop Ventilator
Either one, two, or three plenum-type fans. All units are
equipped with a plenum fan for Supply Air and a second
may be selected for Exhaust (Relief) Air.
Evaporator coil (optional)
Condenser coil (optional, packaged DX only)
Indoor coil (optional, air-source heat pump only)
Outdoor coil (optional, air-source heat pump only)
Water coil (optional)
Reheat coil (optional)
Each unit having packaged DX will have either one, two,
three, or four refrigerant compressors. Optionally, one of
the compressors may be a digital or inverter scroll type
compressor. Air-source heat pump units will have one
inverter scroll compressor and may contain a second
staged compressor.
Motorized intake air damper, optional motorized
recirculating damper. Optional return air damper.
Optional gravity-type exhaust damper.
Optional Barometric Relief Damper
Used during economizer mode of the unit when building
pressure increases, relief damper will open due to over
Electric Heater
An SCR controlled electric heater (not shown) is
available on the units. It has its own control panel and
may require a separate power supply. See unit-specific
wiring diagram.
Supply Filters
Housing size 110 is available with a filter bank depth of
either 2,4 or 6-inch. All other housings are available with
a filter bank depth of either 2 or 4-inch.
Indirect Gas-Fired Furnace
Housing sizes 10, 25 and 45, use furnace model PVG.
Housing sizes 75 use furnace models PVG 600-800
or HMA 1000-1200. Housing sizes 110/145/180 use
furnace model HMA 600-1200.
Packaged DX System
Any unit may be ordered with a packaged DX system.
Housing size 10 will use one compressor; housing
size 25 will include one compressor; housing size 45
will include one or two compressors; housing size 75
will include two or three compressors; housing size
110 will include four compressors; a condenser coil(s)
and evaporator coil(s) and all required components.
Units that have packaged DX are charged with R410A
refrigerant. Do not use tools or parts designed for other
refrigerants on these units.
Air-Source Heat Pump
Units having an air-source heat pump will include either
one or two compressors, an indoor and outdoor coil,
and all required components. Air-source heat pump
units are charged with R410A refrigerant. Do not use
tools or parts designed for other refrigerants on these
units. Not available on housing sizes
10, 75, 110
Split DX
The unit may be ordered with a split DX system for
connection to a building cooling system. Thermal
expansion valve (TXV) is field-provided. Not available on
housing sizes 10, 75, 110.
Some units may be ordered with a factory-assembled
vestibule that is to be field-attached to the side of the
unit. See lifting instructions.