Delete User Cards
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
1. Enter Program Mode
(Master Code) #
2. Delete Card: By card
3. Delete Card: Select Specific ID
2 (Read Card) #
Cards can be deleted continuously
2 (User ID) #
The user ID is any number from 0-999
4. Exit program mode
Add or Delete a PIN
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
1. Enter Program Mode
(Master Code) #
2. Add a PIN
Assigns PIN to user ID number
3. Delete a PIN
Deletes the User ID number and associated
1 (User ID) # (PIN) #
PINS can be added continuously
2 (User ID) #
PINS can be deleted continuously
4. Exit program mode
Change a PIN
This operation is executed from outside of Program Mode
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
1. Change a PIN
(User ID#) (Old PIN #) (New PIN #) (New PIN #)
2. Exit program mode
Add a Card+ PIN User
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
1. Enter Program Mode
(Master Code) #
2. Add a User Card by ID number
1 (User ID) # (Read Card) #
3. Exit Program Mode
4. Add PIN
* (Read Card) (1234#) (New PIN #) (New PIN #)
This operation is executed from outside of
Program Mode
5. Exit program mode
Change PIN
Allows card user to update the PIN for their card + PIN User ID.
This operation is executed from outside of
Program Mode
Programming Step
Keystroke Combination
1. Change PIN using a Card
2. Change PIN using PIN
(Read Card) (Old PIN #) (New PIN #) (New PIN #)
(User ID) (Old PIN #) (New PIN #) (New PIN #)
3. Exit program mode