Copyright © Access-IS 2015
3.3 Connection Options
For the LSR and ATR family of devices, there are four connection options which fall into two main
families of serial and USB.
3.3.1 Serial
The device can be connected using an RS232 interface directly into a COM port. In this case the
baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bits must be specified.
3.3.2 USB
The device can be connected through USB with three possible options, compatible with all Linux
and Windows operating systems from XP onwards. CDC Interface
Virtual serial mode using the Windows CDC driver. This will assign a COM port and the device will
communicate as a virtual serial device. Due to the nature of CDC serial port drivers, the COM port
will disappear if the unit is unplugged. HID Interface
Access IS recommend the use of the HID interface for reliability – for example, a CDC interface may
not recover properly in the event of accidental disconnects or power fluctuations where a HID
interface will.
HID interface using the Access driver (Windows Only)
This is a fully configurable driver that can output data in virtual serial or virtual keyboard. The output
itself can be parsed and reformatted, this serial port is permanent and will not disappear if the unit is
unplugged or hot-swapped. This is one way communication and the only command that can be sent
to the device is AIS_BO. Please see command reference in section 6.56.
HID interface without the Access driver
Please see Appendix A for HID reports. Keyboard Interface
Virtual keyboard using Windows or Linux drivers. This allows the device to operate without
additional drivers, with the ATR emulating a keyboard. This is one way communication and the
device cannot be controlled directly when in this mode.
3.4 Serial Installation
A serial ATR110 will communicate directly with the COM port and does not require any special
software or drivers to be loaded.
3.5 Windows USB driver Installation
3.5.1 Driverless Keyboard Output
There is no additional driver required for this mode.