E L E C T R O N I C S I N C .
Function Operation:
1. Press Power On/Off to turn on or turn off the model
2. Recording Duration: Use MODE to choose Recording Duration on the MAIN ME NU.
Users can choose 1 min/2 min/5 min/Turn off mode . For example, chooing 1 min,
recording time will be 1 min, then the model will recording anew when come to 1 min.
And the file in the S D will be 1 min.
3. R ecording Mode: F irstly, ensure the model has a S D card, then use MODE to choose
Recording Mode on the MAIN ME NU. Press OK to s tart record whe n choose the front
camera. If choose back camera, users s hould connect the back camera cable firstly.
While if choose dual camera, both cameras will be record at the same time. Users can
switch the camera image by V1/V2.
4. P hotograph: S witch to P hotograph Mode by MODE button. Press OK to take photos.
Use ME NU for settings under the P hotograph Mode.
5. Playback: Use MODE to switch to Playback Mode. B oth photos and videos can be
played by using the P layback button.
6. Night Vision Function: Turn on the infrared lamp of the ME NU. W hen choose
AUTOMATIC , the infrared lamp will be turn on/off a utomatically according to outside
light strength.
7. Motion Detection: In the ME NU, you can choose to turn on or turn off the Motion
Detection function. When this function turn on, the model will recording when
something moving in the camera. While stop recording if the object s top. This function
can save the capacity of the memory card.
8. G_S ensor F unction: In order to check and obtain evidence, the model will save the file
compulsively while do not covered by others when car suffer a serious s trike or cras h
This cras h s tre ngth can be detached to High, Middle, Low and Turn off four mode.
9. S creen saver:S et screen saver time in the ME NU, screen will turn off after the time you
choose.Press any key to wake up the scree n.