Orion’s Belt Connection
With the Orion Nano, you can craft your custom coffee blend with exceptional precision.
Connect up to 3 Orion Nanos to create an on-demand coffee-blending station.
Our Orion’s Belt innovative feature represents our latest development, and we are dedicated
to ongoing improvements. We highly recommend you regularly check for the latest firmware
updates here to ensure this function operates at its best.
Mode 4 - Belt Mode
Rotate the dial until [ bELt ] is shown,
then press Dose.
Rotate the dial to switch the
connection to “on”, and press Dose
again to save the settings.
With Orion Nano powered on,
press and hold Power to enter the
Setting mode. [ SEt ] will appear on
the display.
Press Dose to access the Settings
Menu. The first setting [ SPEEd ] will be
1. When establishing connection for 3 Orion Nanos, please pair using [ PAir 1 ][ PAir 2 ] first,
followed by [ PAir 1 ] and [ PAir 3 ] .
2. If you wish to pair only 2 Orion Nanos, please pair using [ PAir 1 ] and [ PAir 3 ].
3. In Orion’s Belt mode, the Sleep (Power Saver) function will be disabled.
Follow the instructions below to set up the Orion’s Belt: