Lanier R/C
Sukhoi SU 31M
If you are going to use the Ohio Superstar
Haigh style tail wheel, measure 2-3/4” from
the rear of the tail wheel plate and drill a ¼”
hole in the center. Glue the 1”x1”x3/4”
plywood piece over the hole and then drill the
hole on through the
You can then epoxy the tail wheel plate in
place between the F7 former and the F6A
former and flush with the tops. Take a piece
of 1/8” balsa and extend the fuse sides on up
flush with the bottom of the tail wheel plate on
each side. This balsa fillet on each side can
now be sanded to match the radius on
corners of F7 and F6A.
Glue the F2B to the front edge of the landing
gear plate and the F2C to the rear edge.
Take four pieces of 1/4”x1/4”x36 spruce and
make the outside stringer on both sides of the
fuse. Start at F2c and run to the middle of
F4,then run a piece from the middle of F4 to
the rear of the fuse at F6A. The five center
stringers are balsa. At the front they run from
F2C to F4. From F4 to the rear there is only
one stringer. Take the excess balsa from the
five center stringers and glue in between F2B
and F1.
You can now remove all the wood from the
lightning holes in the top and sides. Use a
saw and cut them out to prevent splitting the
wood. Draw a line between the cut outs on
the bays that have the finger joints and
remove them.
Use your saw and trim the wing tube flush
with the fuse on both sides. This completes
the bottom part of the fuse.