Where is the best place to position the sensor probe?
Place the sensor probe as close as possible to the hottest or most humid spot in your space.
Do I need to remove the plastic cap from the probe?
Yes. You will need to remove the plastic cap so the probe can accurately read climate conditions.
Can I connect different-sized fans to the same controller?
Please refer to pages 17-18 for details on adding more fan units.
How do I stop my device from turning on and off too quickly in AUTO Mode?
The figure set in the TRANSITION under SETTINGS will determine how the device ramps up
in levels when triggered to run in AUTO Mode. Set a transition threshold X. For every multiple of X
that has surpassed your trigger point, the device will increase by one level. The lower the transition
threshold is set to, the easier it will be for the device to ramp up in levels. If set to zero, the device
will jump to the max set speed without ramping when triggered. This may cause the device to turn
on and off quickly if the climate fluctuates back and forth. Increase the transition threshold number
to help smooth out the transitions. Please also check your high and low triggers point which can all
activate concurrently. Turn off any trigger points that are not in use.
How do I set a minimum speed for constant ventilation, that would ramp up when triggered?
If a fan device is connected, the figure set in OFF Mode determines the fan speed when it’s
triggered to be OFF in all other modes. When the fan isn’t triggered ON, it will be considered OFF
and so it will run at that minimum speed continuously. Once triggered ON, it will change its speed
to the figure set under ON Mode.