1. Product introduction
1.1. Scope of Delivery
Quickguide & Safety instructions
1.2. Operating principle
The SHLM100x0 was developed for use in home automation systems that use the Z-Wave wireless
standard. The LED bulb fits into any standard E27 socket and can be dimmed individually. Via app you
also have the choice of over a thousand colours (SHLM10000)
In conjunction with configurable scenes, smart functions can be initiated, e.g. when light on after 8 pm,
with 30% brightness on, if before 8 pm with 90% brightness.
1.3. Performance Features
Die ABUS Z-Wave SHLM10000/SHLM10010...:
…is an smart Radio-LED-Bulb
…is Z-Wave PLUS compatible & certified
…has an adjustable dimming range
… has five colour channels: red, blue, green, warm white. cool white (SHLM10000)
…can be switched on/off manually or via radio/gateway
…was developed for indoor installation
1.4. Use in systems of different manufacturers
Communication is via the Z-Wave EU frequency (868.42 Mhz). You can integrate the device into any
Z-Wave network with a certified Z-Wave gateway, regardless of manufacturer. All non-battery powered
nodes in the network act as repeater to increase the durability of the network.