[32] wAppLoxx Pro Control Plus Complete
A fixed IP address must be set in the master control in order to add a slave control.
It is not possible to subsequently switch to DHCP or to change the fixed IP address.
The control to be used as a "slave control" must not be configured before it is
added. For a control to be added as a slave, only the IP address of the control may
be changed. All other settings ensure that a factory reset must be carried out in
order to get the control back into a cascadable state.
Establish the power supply for all slave controls.
In the master control, go to the Slave Controls menu item and click on the green plus
sign to add slave controls. If DHCP is activated, an error message will appear because
cascading is only possible with a fixed IP address.
Select the desired slave control and assign a name, then click "Save". The power LED
of the slave control then lights up yellow continuously.
If the control is not automatically found in the network, the IP address or the host
name of the slave control can be provided manually. After entering the data, the
control appears in the list.
Repeat the procedure to register further slave controls.