E-OCD II Debugger User’s Manual
Debugger Software (for Microsoft Windows)
Emulation : Reset and Run
It begins emulation from the address 0000h after resetting the target device. Its action is the same as
that of a real situation. Emulation continues until a break occurs or the developer stops the emulation.
Emulation : Run from
It starts emulation from a user specified address. This helps users debug a specific module of the
software. Selecting this prompts you to enter a 20-bit address to start emulation as shown below:
Figure 3-19 Address Input Dialog Window
Emulation : Run Continue
It starts emulation from the device’s current address. Current address means:
The address where the previous emulation has stopped.
If the target device is reset, it is 0000h.
Emulation : Step
If you want to follow your code’s execution more closely, use this to step through the code. Any
interrupts are ignored during step run, and the emulation pauses either at the next line of source code
or at the next mnemonic code according to the user choice.
When source line-based step run is selected, tens of mnemonic codes are gone through per each run.
Therefore, source line-based step run is slower than assembly language-based step run. You can
switch between these options in Step run option under the Break / Configure menu.