Controlling the Siren Features
How do I control the indoor entry & exit delay beeping sounds on the siren?
First you must have the entry exit delay beeps turned on for the gateway, you can do this by accessing the web
app system settings, under sound settings, choose when and how loud you would like the entry and exit beeps to
sound. (Off, Low, or High)
scroll down to the Siren setting and choose to turn on the siren entry/exit beeping sounds, or turn them off.
How do I turn on or off the final beeps at the end of the entry exit delay count down for the siren?
During the entry and exit delay time, you may decide that instead of having the system beep every second as it
counts down. You would prefer to have only the beeps to occur during the last few seconds before the end of the
countdown. This final beep feature when activated, will affect the gateway sounder and the indoor siren as well.
First you will need to disable the entry exit beeps during the delay countdown, use the guide setting above, and set
the delay beep sounds to off, and set the Entry/Exit Only Final Beeps to 3 to 10 seconds, depending on how many
beeps you would like, (One beep per second during the countdown)
Once the entry delay beeps are turned off, the settings should resemble the image below. When completed, the
gateway and the indoor siren will only beep during the last few seconds at the end of the delay time. (Based on the
number of seconds set)
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