December 24, 2004
Interoperability Event Results
has PASSED the Interoperability phase of the ExpressCard Compliance Program.
The Compliance Program Evaluation Panel granted exceptions in the case of Interoperability Checklist
items GR1, HR1 and HI1 considering that the test failures occurred with other modules using the PCI
Express bus on those particular host systems and the panel felt that the failures were most likely host
system issues.
Thank you for participating in the Interoperability Event, which is a key milestone in the ExpressCard
initiative evolution. Your participation in this event is an indication to the rest of the computer hardware
industry that ExpressCard technology is being embraced as the next external I/O expansion standard for
desktops and notebooks.
In order for your product to successfully complete the ExpressCard Compliance Program, the ExpressCard
Compliance Program Evaluation Panel must review both the Compliance Checklist and Interoperability
Event results for your product. Please submit your competed Compliance Checklist for review by the Panel.
Brian Ikeya
Compliance Program Manager
Congratulations! After review of the results of the ExpressCard Interoperability Event #2 by PCMCIA's
ExpressCard Compliance Program Evaluation Panel, your product:
Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
Case #:
AboCom Systems, Inc.
2635 North First Street Suite 218 • San Jose, CA 95134 USA
Tel: (408) 433-2273 • Fax: (408) 433-9558
[email protected] • www.pcmcia.org • www.expresscard.org