(800) 322-0956
Page 9
Scan Order: Selecting this option will change the direction of the scan on the screen. This option only
works for Auto Scanning.
Speech Off: This tells us that Speech is currently off, and selecting this option will turn Speech on.
Speech is where the scan will read back what is highlighted.
Speech On: This tells us that Speech is currently on, and selecting this option will turn Speech off.
Speech is where the scan will read back what is highlighted.
Sound Off: This tells us that the scan sound is currently off. The scan sound is the click that is made
when a scan moves from item to item on the screen. Selecting Sound Off will turn Sound on.
Sound On: This tells us that the scan sound is currently on. The scan sound is the click that is made
when a scan moves from item to item on the screen. Selecting Sound On will turn Sound off.
Group On: This tells us that grouping for the scan is on. When the scan moves across the screen it
will select groups of objects on the screen and then the user can select an item from within the group.
Selecting Group On will turn the grouping function off and the scan will now move from item to item
instead of group to group.
Group Off: This tells us that grouping for the scan is off. When the scan moves across the screen, it will
move from item to item instead of group to group. Selecting Group Off will turn the grouping function on
and the scan will now move from group to group instead of item to item. When a group is selected, a user
can now select an item within that group.