When using programming or quick programming mode all 8 switches to set
channel groups
must be
in "off" position on upper and lower board. Switch the
programming/permanent position switch to "on". Decide whether the relay is to
have a bistable or a monostable function by using the bistable/monostable
function switch. Activate the desired channel on the IR transmitter at the same
time as you press the programming button for relay 1. The receiver relay is
activated and the indicator lamp flashes twice thus confirming the
programming.Relay 1 is now programmed. Do the same thing for the second
relay of the receiver but this time using programming button for Relay 2 and
another transmitter channel and so on. If you are not satisfied with the selected
channel repeat the process.
Warning! The corresponding relay is activated
during programming.
GewaLink channels 0-127 (channel 62 has no function),
4096 codes and Infra-code can be programmed.
Quick Programming
Switch the programming/permanent position switch to "On". Decide whether the
relay is to have a bistable or a monostable function by using the
bistable/monostable function switch. Activate the first channel of the IR
transmitter at the same time as you press two optional programming buttons. All
the receiver relays are activated and the indicator lamps flashes twice thus
confirming the programming. It is possible to reprogram each particular relay
afterwards from monostable to bistable function or vice versa.
Permanent Channel Setting
The channel switches 1 - 8 can also be permanently set without programming.
Set the programming/permanent setting switch to "Off". Set the channel groups
according to the enclosed table. Choose monostable or bistable function using
the monostable/bistable switch. NOTE! All relays will work according to the
chosen setting, i. e. they will have monostable or bistable function.