Connecting Control Star or Control Micro to the USB port
on the PC
When starting up it is important to follow the installation guide to avoid problems.
Note! Install the USB drivers before connecting the hardware. USB drivers are
compatible with Win98, second edition, Win 2000 and Win XP.
Install USB drivers and hardware by the following procedure:
Disconnect any connected hardware such as Control Star USB, Control Micro
Insert the CD VCP USB Drivers in the CD unit on the computer. Wait until an
installation guide is shown on the screen. It might take a few seconds. If the
installation guide is not shown: Go to
-menu, Select
and write
(exchange D if the CD unit has another designation).
Click on
Click on
Install USB driver.
Connect Control Star USB or Control Micro USB to the USB port on the
computer when an instruction is given. Start by installing the driver for the USB
Serial Converter and then the driver for the USB Serial Port. Select automatic
installation. When installing in Win98 it must be specified that you shall pick up
the drivers from the CD, path D:\Drivers\w98_w2k_wxp.
Remove the CD from the CD-unit.
Control switches
Progress Star has two inputs for external control switches, see fig page 10. Use 3,5 mm
jack plug for connection. All control switches that are to be connected must be CE-
Warning! Electrodes that are attached to the skin or invasible control switches
must not be connected to Progress Star.
Recording IR codes
To be able to control a TV, for example, or a VCR, Stereo, DVD, toys, lamps etc., these
devices must have a remote control unit that emits infrared light (IR). Most TVs have a
remote control unit that is used to control various functions. It is this remote control unit
that is to be used to teach IR codes. Other devices such as lamps, telephones, hall
telephones and door openers do not have any remote control unit. Gewa have solutions
that makes it possible to control also these devices. The GewaLink codes 00-127 are
default and can be used to control Gewa’s own products. Please contact Gewa or
Gewa’s representatives for more information.
One memory location is used for each IR code that is recorded. There are 256 memory
locations available.