Unpacking Instruction
The unit may be shipped with several additional packages
stacked on the skid depending on how many options were
purchased (
Fig 1 and 2
Cut the banding securing the Rascal and packaging to the
Please be cautious when cutting the banding.
Cut the
bands keeping your body out of the way to prevent injury
due to shifted components falling during shipping (
Fig 3
Remove the pastic wrap holding the toplink to hitch support
assembly (
Fig 4
Remove zipties securing hitch bar assembly to finish rake
assembly (
Fig 4
remove the zipties holding the toplink and front jack
bolt to mat bracket bolt at this time (
Fig 5
). This will be done
in the Setup section.
Make sure the delivery driver stays while you remove the
individual packages so you can verify all parts are present
and there is no damage. If there is any damage make sure to
mark it on the bill of lading.
Tools Needed:
- Gloves
- Safety Glasses
- Safety Shoes
- (2) 3/4" wrench or Socket set
- (2) 15/16" wrench or Socket set
- Razor Blade or knife
- Tin Snips / wire cutters
- Rubber Mallet or hammer
- Punch or 6" long (or longer) 3/8" ratchet extension
Fig 1.
Fig 2.
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
Fig 5.
Remove plastic wrap securing toplink.
Remove zipties securing hitch bar assembly.
these zipties at
this time.