Dear Customer,
Congratulations on the purchase of your ABC Design carrying bag. We are pleased that you have chosen one of our
products and hope that you will be completely satisfied with the service you receive from the product. We advice you to
read the Instruction Leaflet carefully before use of the carrying bag and than to keep it in a safe place. If you fail to do this
the safety of your child can be jeopardised. Kindly pay attention to the washing and care instructions so that you enjoy
long and trouble free use of your new ABC-product.
Your ABC-Design Team
Hints for care and use
Hints for care and use
Hints for care and use
Hints for care and use
The manufacture for the materials used in the fabrication of this product meets the standards required by the AZO-Standard, EN71-2 and
EN71-3, Norm for clothing claimed light originality values. However, we advice you not to expose the product to the sun for a long time. Attrition
and fading of colours during heavy solar radiation do not justify a damage claim. The fabric case of your carrying bag is washable. You can wash
the case by hand or machine cold wash (Mild detergent).
In adhering to the aforementioned hints you will enjoy satisfactory use for your ABC-Design-Product for a long time.
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