Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A200-L
8 Disassembly and assembly / 8.5 Dismantling wall insert and diffuser
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Revision M
August 2018
Dismantling wall insert and diffuser
Dismantling the wall insert
Fig. 31: Pressing off compressor casing
1. Loosen one screw (72011) and leave 2/3 of the thread length screwed into the com-
pressor casing (72000).
2. Loosen and remove the remaining screws (72011).
3. Use the press-off screws (90900) to press off the wall insert (77000) from the com-
pressor casing (72000) until the lifting device (90190) can be fitted.
4. Fit shackle (90195) with lifting gear on P1 of lifting device (90190).
5. Fit lifting device (90190) with crane on upper area of wall insert (77000).
6. Change the position of the shackle with the lifting gear to P2 of the lifting device (90190).