Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A100-L
Page 111 / 113
© Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision H
November 2016
Fig. 1 Layout and function of the tur-
bocharger .................................. 6
Fig. 2 Warning plate locations ............. 8
Fig. 3 Locations of the rating plates ..... 9
Fig. 4 Fitting lifting gear to turbo-
charger ...................................... 12
Fig. 5 Placing the turbocharger on the
bracket ....................................... 13
Fig. 6 Compressor-end foot ................. 14
Fig. 7 Turbine-end foot ........................ 14
Fig. 8 Layout and overview of the
speed measurement system ...... 23
Fig. 9 Replacing the speed sensor ...... 25
Fig. 10 U-tube manometer at the filter
silencer ...................................... 27
Fig. 11 Noise insulation, bellows ........... 30
Fig. 12 Layout and overview of filter
silencer ...................................... 38
Fig. 13 Dismantling filter ring circumfer-
ential part ................................... 40
Fig. 14 Opening filter ring lock ............... 40
Fig. 15 Attaching new filter ring ............. 41
Fig. 16 Fitting new filter ring ................... 41
Fig. 17 Overview of wet cleaning of
compressor ................................ 44
Fig. 18 Filter plug view ........................... 45
Fig. 19 Overview of dry cleaning device 47
Fig. 20 Drain pipe diagram .................... 50
Fig. 21 Overview of assembly weights .. 59
Fig. 22 Overview of filter silencer cas-
ing disassembly and assembly .. 60
Fig. 23 Fitting filter silencer casing 1 ..... 61
Fig. 24 Fitting filter silencer casing 2 ..... 62
Fig. 25 Fitting filter silencer casing 3 ..... 62
Fig. 26 Fitting filter silencer casing 4 ..... 63
Fig. 27 Fitting filter silencer casing 5 ..... 63
Fig. 28 Fitting the bellows ...................... 64
Fig. 29 Dismantling the filter silencer ..... 65
Fig. 30 Dismantling the filter silencer
with noise package .................... 66
Fig. 31 Pressing off compressor casing 67
Fig. 32 Moving out wall insert ................ 68
Fig. 33 Putting down wall insert ............. 68
Fig. 34 Putting down wall insert ............. 69
Fig. 35 Dismantling the diffuser ............ 70
Fig. 36 Measuring axial clearance A ..... 71
Fig. 37 Removing the insulation (A175-
L and smaller). ........................... 72
Fig. 38 Dismantling the gas inlet casing
(A175-L and smaller) ................. 73
Fig. 39 Dismantling the nozzle ring
(A175-L and smaller) ................. 73
Fig. 40 Dismantling the gas inlet casing
(A180-L and larger) ................... 74
Fig. 41 Fitting the nozzle ring holder ..... 75
Fig. 42 Dismantling the nozzle ring
(A180-L and larger) ................... 76
Fig. 43 Putting down the nozzle ring
(A180-L and larger) ................... 76
Fig. 44 Fitting the nozzle ring (A175-L
and smaller) ............................... 77
Fig. 45 Fitting the gas outlet casing
(A175-L and smaller) ................. 78
Fig. 46 Fit insulation. ............................. 79
Fig. 47 Looping around the nozzle ring
(A180-L and larger) ................... 80
Fig. 48 Fitting the nozzle ring (2) (A180-
L and larger) .............................. 81
Fig. 49 Fitting the gas inlet casing
(A180-L and larger) ................... 82
Fig. 50 Measuring axial clearance A ..... 83
Fig. 51 Fitting the diffuser ...................... 84
Fig. 52 Positioning wall insert ................ 85
Fig. 53 Fitting the wall insert ................. 86
Fig. 54 Fitting the filter silencer ............. 87
Fig. 55 Fitting the filter silencer with
noise package ........................... 88
Fig. 56 Overview of tightening torques .. 90
Fig. 57 Overview of speed sensor tight-
ening torque .............................. 90