Operation Manual / TPL67-C.. - TPL71-C..
1 Preliminary remarks / 1.3 Intended use
© Copyright 2020 . All rights reserved.
March 2020
1.3 Intended use
Use on internal combustion engines in general
ABB turbochargers are intended for turbocharging internal combustion
To ensure compliance with the machinery directive 2006/42/EC when
using on gas engines, the turbocharger must be operated in an engine
room classified as "not at risk of explosion". This is in accordance with
the position paper [2] relating to ATEX issued by EUROMOT [1].
The turbocharger supplies the engine with the air volume or air/gas mix-
ture and the associated charging pressure required for operation.
The turbocharger is solely intended to be operated with a clockwise dir-
ection of rotation as viewed from the turbine end.
The specific operating limits of the turbocharger were determined on
the basis of information from the enginebuilder about the intended use.
These data are given on the rating plate.
ABB Turbocharging is not liable for any unintended applications and
shall reject all warranty claims.
[1]Euromot = The European Association of Internal Combustion Engine
[2]Directive 94/9/EC concerning equipment and protective systems in-
tended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX) The Eur-
omot Position as of November 2003, ATEX Euromot Position 191103
Unapproved operation
Any operation of the turbocharger outside of its operating limits can be
hazardous to personnel.
The turbocharger must only be operated within the operating limits.
Only trained personnel must operate the turbocharger.
The intended use of the turbocharger includes compliance with all regu-
lations and conditions. In particular, the following must be observed:
Operation Manual
Instructions of the enginebuilder