This guide provides an overview for the installation of the Terra DC Wallbox.
The Terra DC Wallbox charging station is an easy to install DC fast charger for electric vehicles. Fast
chargers are electrical installations with high electric currents. Therefore, the installation must be
planned carefully, and must be done by certified personnel only (according to local standards). Local
regulations shall take precedence if they list different installation requirements than prescribed in this
Installation Manual.
The Terra DC Wallbox is offered in a variety of configurations and with multiple connector types. The
different versions are described in section 1.3.
Before installing the Terra DC Wallbox, read this installation guide carefully and attentively. Be sure to
follow all instructions when installing the charger. ABB is not responsible for any damage caused by not
following or incorrectly executing the instructions described in this manual.
Intended document users
This document is intended to be used by:
Customers who have purchased a Terra DC Wallbox or customers in the process of ordering and
require additional details on installation.
Contractors who are responsible for site preparation and/or installation of a Terra DC Wallbox.
Terra DC Wallbox hardware ordering details
ABB’s Terra DC Wallbox single-phase is offered in the following configurations:
Terra DC Wallbox C UL
Terra DC Wallbox CJ UL
CCS-1 (Combo) standard
CHAdeMO standard
CCS-1 (Combo) standard and CHAdeMO standard
All variations are offered with charging cable lengths of 7 meters (23 ft). The Terra DC Wallbox comes
with the standard connector holsters as shown.