Counter read
Counter freeze without reset
Counter freeze with reset
Counter reset
General request
Request counter group 1
Request counter group
Request counter group 3
Request counter group 4
Parameter loading
(Object-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the
standard direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both
Threshold value
Smoothing factor
Low limit for transmission of measured values
High limit for transmission of measured values
Parameter activation
(Object-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the
standard direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both
Act/deact of persistent cyclic or periodic transmission of the
addressed object
Test procedure
(Station-specific parameter, mark with an “X“ if the function is only used in the
standard direction, “R“ if only used in the reverse direction, and “B“ if used in both
Test procedure
Section 10
1MRS757105 B
Appendix 2 IEC 60870-5-104 interoperability
Technical Manual