Operation Manual / Power2 550-M / High-pressure stage
3 Removal and installation / 3.2 Removing the high-pressure stage
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March 2022
Removing the high-pressure stage
Fig. 15: Removing the high-pressure stage
1. Unscrew the threaded rods (42191) until they have been completely removed from the en-
gine support and the centering bush (42193).
2. Check whether the threaded rods (42191) can be moved.
3. Screw the threaded rods back into the centering bush by a few revolutions.
4. Manually lift threaded rods (42191) until the centering bushes (42193) are in the bearing
casing. If necessary, shake the threaded rods until the centering bushes (42193) release
themselves from the engine support.
5. Screw down clamping nuts (42201) to the end of the expansion bush (42190). The
threaded rod remains in position.
6. Remove the high-pressure stage.
7. Cover the oil connections (01) in the bracket to protect them from dirt.