AU TO M AT I C T R A N SFER S W I TC H , OT M _ C _ 2 1 D
The transfer sequence of OTM_C21D can be sum-
marized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 1 (LN1)
Generator start, immediately start generator
in case of black-out, phase-loss, overvoltage or
undervoltage (If Generator mode is selected)
The Line 2 start the normal functioning,
transfer delay Ts
Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position 0
Change-over switch (Switch II) to the
position II
Figure 4. Automatic Switching Sequences in OTM_C_21D, Manual return mode
And the return sequence can be summarized in
the following steps:
The Line 1 will start the normal functioning
Change-over switch stays in position II
An anomaly occurs on the Line 2 (LN2)
Change-over switch stays in position II
Change-over switch can be transferred
manually back to position I
2.2.3 Manual return mode