Table 31: Troubleshooting table (continued)
Problem (error code)
Possible cause
Possible solution
The EV connection or
authorization process fails
The EV charge cable is defective
Examine the EV charge cable
If the standard supplied EV charge cable is
defective, replace the EV charge cable
Examine the connection of the EV charge cable
If necessary, connect the EV charge cable
There is a problem with the ChargerSync app
or the RFID card
Make sure that the user has registered
in the ChargerSync app
Make sure that you use a RFID card
that the manufacturer provided
Make sure that the RFID card is added on the
ChargerSync app
Start the ChargerSync app
Start the authorization process
De-energize the EVSE
1. Open the breaker that supplies the power to the EVSE.
2. Wait for minimum 1 minute.