Operation Manual / 2 Safety / A100-L, A200-L
1 Safety / 1.5 Intended use
© Copyright 2017 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision D
June 2017
Intended use
Use on internal combustion engines in general
ABB turbochargers are intended for turbocharging internal combustion engines.
The A...-L turbochargers are designed for use on 2-stroke diesel engines.
The turbocharger supplies the engine with the air volume or air/gas mixture and the associ-
ated charging pressure required for operation.
The turbocharger is solely intended to be operated with a clockwise direction of rotation as
viewed from the turbine end.
The specific operating limits of the turbocharger were determined on the basis of informa-
tion from the enginebuilder about the intended use. These data are given on the rating
ABB accepts no liability and rejects all warranty claims for any non-intended uses.
Unapproved operation
Any operation of the turbocharger outside of its operating limits can be haz-
ardous to personnel.
Only operate the turbocharger within the operating limits.
Only trained personnel must operate the turbocharger.
The intended use of the turbocharger includes compliance with all regulations and condi-
tions. In particular, the following must be observed:
Operation Manual
Instructions of the enginebuilder
State of the art
The turbocharger is designed and manufactured according to the state of the art and is safe
to operate.
Perfect condition
The turbocharger must only be used when it is in a technically flawless condition and oper-
ated in compliance with its intended use.
ABB excludes any liability for damage resulting from unauthorized modifications to the tur-
bocharger or improper operation.