Operation Manual / TPL65-A32 / -A33 / -A36 + TPL69-A32 / -A33
9 Taking out of operation at short notice / 9.3 Fit cover plate
© Copyright 2020 . All rights reserved.
December 2020
Further measures and information for operation with a
turbocharger with cover plate on 4-stroke engines
4-stroke engine with one turbocharger
No further measures are necessary. The engine can be operated as a nat-
urally-aspirated engine according to the engine builder's instructions.
4-stroke engine with several turbochargers
Separate receivers
No further measures are necessary on engines with separate air and ex-
haust gas receivers. The engine can be operated as a naturally-aspirated
engine according to the engine builder's instructions.
Common receiver
The air line must be closed off at the engine end because the undam-
aged turbochargers build up a receiver pressure.
The engine can be operated according to the engine builder's instruc-
tions. Attention must always be paid to the speed of the undamaged
turbocharger. The speed limit n
given on the rating plate must not
be exceeded.