Operation Manual / A150-M58/68
© Copyright 2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision E
January 2021
Fig. 1: Serial number (01) on the rating plate ........... 4
Fig. 2: Layout and function of the turbocharger...... 6
Fig. 3: Compressor wheel cooling ................................ 7
nhibitor (VCI)................... 10
Fig. 5: Package with hygrometer................................ 11
Fig. 6: Warning plate locations ................................... 16
Fig. 7: Rating plate ........................................................ 17
Fig. 8: Locations of the rating plates ........................ 18
Fig. 9: Attachment of loads on the crane hook ...... 20
Fig. 10: Attachment angle........................................... 20
Fig. 11: Suspension of complete turbocharger unit ....
Fig. 12: Turbine cleaning nozzle ................................. 30
Fig. 13: Removing the turbocharger ......................... 30
Fig. 14: Loosening the clamping nut ......................... 31
Fig. 15: Turbocharger centre of gravity .................... 32
Fig. 16: Inserting the gasket........................................ 33
Fig. 17: Inserting the threaded rods ......................... 34
Fig. 18: Placing the turbocharger on the bracket .. 34
Fig. 20: Tightening pressure screws ........................ 36
Fig. 21: Connecting the speed sensor ....................... 37
Fig. 23: Attaching the support .................................... 37
Fig. 24: Oil orifice.......................................................... 39
Fig. 26: Replacing the speed sensor ......................... 48
Fig. 27: Noise insulation, bellows .............................. 50
Fig. 28: Carrying out wet cleaning of compressor. 60
Fig. 29: Turbine cleaning devices .............................. 63
Fig. 30: Carrying out wet cleaning of turbines ....... 64
Fig. 31: Cleaning the filter silencer ............................ 66
Fig. 32: Compressor casing ......................................... 68
Fig. 33: Diffuser .............................................................. 69
Fig. 34: Turbine end, non-rotating parts.................... 71
Fig. 35: Soaking the turbine end................................. 73
Fig. 36: Swivel lifting eyes ............................................ 84
Fig. 37: Press-off screws .............................................. 85
Fig. 38: Dismantling screw........................................... 85
Fig. 40: Cartridge concept ........................................... 88
Fig. 41: Optional spanner holder ................................ 89
Fig. 42: Weights of assemblies ................................... 90
Overview of tightening torques ..................... 91
Fig. 44: Tightening torques for insulation................ 92
Fig. 45: Removing the air inlets................................... 93
Fig. 46: Remove gas outlet casing without support ...
Fig. 47: Removing gas outlet casing with support 1....
Fig. 48: Removing gas outlet casing with support 1 ...
Fig. 49: Removing the gas outlet flange ................... 97
Fig. 50: Turbine cleaning nozzle.................................. 98
Fig. 51: Remove insulation ........................................... 98
Fig. 54: Removing the compressor casing ............. 100
Fig. 55: Removing cartridge group 1........................ 101
Fig. 56: Removing cartridge group 2 ....................... 102
Fig. 57: Removing cartridge group 3........................ 103
Fig. 59: Removing the nozzle ring............................. 105
Fig. 60: Measuring clearance A and B ...................... 106