Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A130-M.. - A145-M..
© Copyright 2019 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision H
March 2019
Table 1: Related documents .......................................... 3
Table 2: Weight of complete turbocharger unit....... 8
Table 3: Requirements for threaded rods ................ 15
Table 4: Tightening torque for standard nuts......... 17
Table 7: Lubricating oil temperature at the inlet ... 28
Table 8: Lubricating oil temperature at the outlet 28
Table 9: Tightening torque (86505)........................... 32
Table 10: Expected replacement intervals .............. 39
Table 11: Maintenance table ....................................... 42
Table 14: Wet cleaning of turbine, parameters ...... 49
Table 15: Value table for soaking ............................... 57
Table 17: Malfunctions when starting – Vibrations 60
Table 26: Malfunction – Turbocharger pumping.... 64
Table 27: Malfunction – Sporadic surge blows ........ 64
Table 33: Swivel lifting eyes ......................................... 69
Table 34: Weights of assemblies ................................ 70
Table 35: 3 press-off screws........................................ 74
Table 36: 6 press-off screws........................................ 75
Table 37: Permissible clearances A and B ................. 83
Table 38: Nozzle ring compression PD ...................... 84
Table 39: Tightening torque (51007) ......................... 87
Table 40: Tightening torque (79041) ......................... 89
Table 41: Tightening torque (72011) .......................... 90
Table 42: Permissible clearances N and R................. 91
Table 43: Tightening torque (72020) ......................... 92
Table 44: Tightening torque (51009)......................... 95
Table 45: Tightening torques...................................... 97
Table 46: Tightening torques for insulation ............ 98
Table 47: Cover plate dimensions [mm].................. 102
Table 48: Customer spare part set 97070 .............. 106
Table 49: Spare parts list ........................................... 109
Table 50: Spare parts list ........................................... 110