Operation Manual / TPL76-C
9 Taking out of operation at short notice / 9.2 Locking the rotor
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Revision F
April 2018
9.2 Locking the rotor
A locked rotor must be removed and checked for unbalance after the
turbocharger repair.
An exception is a test rig run up to a maximum of 25% of the engine
load in the case of new engines with one or several turbochargers. This
is sometimes requested by customers. As operation with a locked rotor
is only brief and the loads are low in these cases, subsequent removal
of the rotor is not necessary.
During operation of the engine with a blocked turbocharger, the lubric-
ating oil system must remain connected to this turbocharger also and
be turned on if the gas inlet cannot be blocked. (See section
measures and information for operation with a blocked rotor for 4-
stroke engines
.) Otherwise components that are still intact can be
damaged through overheating.
Shut off the oil supply in the event of lubricating oil leaking from the