Operation Manual / TPL76-C
5 Maintenance / 5.5 Cleaning components mechanically
© Copyright 2017 . All rights reserved.
Revision E
July 2017
Cleaning the cartridge group on the turbine end
Soaking the contamination
Baked layers of contamination from fuel residue or coked oil may occur
at the turbine end. The contamination can be removed by soaking and
brushing. The procedure for soaking the layers of contamination as well
as for cleaning the turbine are described in the following.
To soak the layers of contamination on the turbine, the cartridge group
can be immersed vertically in a container with fluid.
The cartridge group must be rotated to do this.
Two cranes (or chain blocks) must be used for the rotating operation.
Suspending the chain block directly from the crane and rotating the cart-
ridge group is not permitted because of the risk of damage to the com-
pressor wheel.
Cartridge group with one central suspension point
Damage to compressor wheel
The lifting gear must not touch the compressor wheel at any time dur-
ing rotation.
Choose appropriate lifting gear length.
1. Suspend cartridge group from normal suspension point and suspend
from first crane.
2. Secure two lifting loops with swivel lifting eyes in the lower push-off
threads and suspend from a second crane.
3. Rotate cartridge group horizontally by lifting the second crane.