Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A130-M.. - A145-M..
Periodic maintenance work
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Revision D
June 2016
Cleaning components mechanically
Risk of damage during mechanical cleaning
If mechanical cleaning is carried out too often, this can lead to damage and
corrosion on the components.
Perform mechanical cleaning, especially of the cartridge group, only once
within the service interval.
Selection of cleaning tools
Turbocharger components are sensitive and easily sustain mechanical dam-
age. The use of needle descalers (for example) or other striking tools dam-
ages the components. Depending on the specification, nozzle rings or tur-
bine casings may have protective coatings which can also be damaged.
Use only soft tools such as rags, brushes or wire brushes.
In case of heavy contamination, the cleaning methods described in this
chapter (such as soaking, for example) can be repeated until a satisfacto-
ry result is achieved.
Disassembly and assembly
Disassembly and assembly of the parts is described in the chapter entitled
Contaminated water and cleaning agents must be disposed of in an environmentally com-
patible, professional way and in compliance with locally applicable regulations.