Every PROFIBUS-DP slave type must have an individual
identification number (ID number). -- The PROFIBUS-DP master
needs this ID number to identify the connected device type. -
Before starting cyclic data transmission, the PROFIBUS-DP
master compares the device ID number with the default number
in the engineering data. -- Data transmission is only started if the
proper device types with the correct station addresses have been
connected to the bus, and if the parameter and configuration data
from the slave have been checked and are correct. --- This
ensures a good protection against engineering errors. -
The same ID number is valid for the controllers, and is assigned
to them in factory.- As a result, the PROFIBUS-DP module can
be used in all devices.
The device database files (GSD files) contain a description for the
support of the basic PROFIBUS-DP services, and information
about the size of the input and output data blocks transmitted via
the bus. - These data blocks are defined in the GSD files as
modules for communication with the controllers. -
Modular Slave
The device database file contains data that describe the so-called
modules. - This module description is no description of the
optional input/output modules that can be added to the individual
devices at a later time. ---
Instead, it contains information about the storage areas of
different sizes for the input and output data. --These storage areas
are referred to as modules. - Configuration data can be created
from these modules as a part of the bus configuration,
communicating to the relevant slave the number of cyclic data
bytes or words (2 bytes) it will receive from the master, or the
number of cyclic data bytes or words which the master expects to
receive from the slave.- - Up to 16 modules for input and output
definition can be stored in a slave-specific configuration.- The
PROFIBUS-DP master configuration tool prevents that this
maximum value is exceeded.
Important Information about Services
Freeze and Sync services are supported, as specified in the GSD
file. -
The PROFIBUS-DP module for the controllers supports the
"Auto_Baud_Supp" service for automatic adjustment of the
transmission rate on the bus. PROFIBUS-DP does not require any
transmission rate adjustment in the device configuration. -
Since no automatic station address assignment takes place
during operation, the address must be defined in the device
The "AUTO_CLEAR" function usually realized for PROFIBUS-DP
slaves is not supported. As a result, the output values retain their
value when the communication is interrupted, and are not reset to
0. Usually, the digital and analog outputs retain their values as
well, depending on the device configuration.