AW T4 20 |
U N I V ER S A L 4 - W I R E , D UA L- I N P U T T R A N SM I T T ER | O I/AW T4 2 0 - EN R E V. B
…16 Troubleshooting
…Diagnostic messages
…AWT420 transmitter diagnostics
Recovery action
Clean (n) in
Cleaning cycle 1 (2) is in progress.
Diagnostic clears once cleaning cycle is complete.
Write Error
Error writing configuration to
sensor/sensor module.
1. Repeat previous configuration change.
2. If
Sensor Write Error
persists, cycle power to the transmitter.
3. Check the Sensor Setup and correct if necessary.
4. If
Sensor Write Error
persists, ensure that the sensor and the
transmitter are compatible by upgrading the software on both via
the bootloader.
5. Check the
Sensor Setup
and correct if necessary– see page 38.
6. If
Sensor Write Error
persists, contact local service organization.
Alarm Active
One or more of the process alarms (1 to 8)
is active.
Check the process and make any adjustments required.
If the alarm condition has passed but the diagnostic remains active,
acknowledge the alarm via the
SD Nearly Full
SD card at 90% capacity or higher.
Replace the SD card or free up space on current SD card by backing up/
uploading the files.
SD Card Full
SD card is at capacity.
Replace the SD card or free up space on current SD card by backing up/
uploading the files.