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beginning to develop before they cause failures and unscheduled maintenance
breaks. It gives also suggestions what maintenance issues must be performed in
the next larger overhaul.
The maintenance can be estimated to last approximately 4-8 hours, depending on
the type and installation of the machine and the depth of the inspections. Tools for
this maintenance include normal servicing tools i.e. wrenches and screw drives.
The preparations consist of opening the inspection covers. It is recommended that
at least the operational spare parts package is available when commencing this
The first Level 1 maintenance should be performed after 4 000 equivalent
operating hours or six months after commissioning. Subsequently the L1
maintenance should be performed yearly halfway between Level 2 maintenance,
Table 7-1. Recommended maintenance program
Level 2 (L2)
Level 2 or L2 maintenance consists mainly of inspections and tests and small
maintenance tasks. The purpose of this maintenance is to find out whether there
are problems in the operation of the machine and to do small repairs to ensure
uninterrupted operation.
The maintenance can be estimated to last approximately 8-16 hours, depending on
the type and installation of the machine and the amount of servicing to be done.
Tools for this maintenance include normal servicing tools, multimeter, torque
wrench and insulation resistance tester (Megger). The preparations consist of
opening the inspection covers. Spare parts suitable for this level of maintenance
are included in the recommended spare parts package.
The first Level 2 maintenance should be performed after 8 000 equivalent
operating hours or one year after commissioning. Subsequently the L2
maintenance should be performed yearly or after every 8 000 equivalent operating
hours, see
Table 7-1. Recommended maintenance program
Level 3 (L3)
Level 3 or L3 maintenance consists of performing extensive inspections, tests and
larger maintenance tasks that have come up during L1 and L2 maintenance. The
purpose of this maintenance is to repair encountered problems and replace parts
subjected to wear.
The maintenance can be estimated to last approximately 16 - 40 hours, depending
on the type and installation of the machine and the amount of repairs and
replacements to be done. Tools for this maintenance include the same tools as for
L2 and in addition an endoscope and an oscilloscope.
The preparations consist of opening the inspection covers. Spare parts suitable for
this level of maintenance are included in the recommended spare parts package.
The Level 3 maintenance should be performed after every 24 000 equivalent
operating hours or at a three to five year interval. When L3 maintenance is
conducted it replaces the L1 or L2 maintenance otherwise scheduled, and it leaves
their rotation unaffected, see
Table 7-1. Recommended maintenance program
Level 4 (L4)
Level 4 or L4 maintenance consists of performing extensive inspections and
maintenance tasks. The purpose of this maintenance is to restore the machine into
a reliable operating condition.
The maintenance can be estimated to last approximately 40-80 hours, depending
mostly on the condition of the machine and the needed reconditioning actions.