98 Program features
switch between user parameter sets. To change a user parameter set, the drive has
to be stopped.
A user parameter set contains all editable values in parameter groups 10…99 except
Data storage parameters (
As the motor settings are included in the user parameter sets, make sure the settings
correspond to the motor used in the application before recalling a user set. In an
application where different motors are used with the drive, the motor ID run needs to
be performed with each motor and the results saved to different user sets. The
appropriate set can then be recalled when the motor is switched.
Settings and diagnostics
Events: -
Data storage parameters
Twelve (eight 32-bit, four 16-bit) parameters are reserved for data storage. These
parameters are unconnected by default and can be used for linking, testing and
commissioning purposes. They can be written to and read from using other
parameters’ source or target selections.
Settings and diagnostics
Parameter group
Events: -
Parameter checksum calculation
Parameter checksums A and B can be calculated from a set of parameters to monitor
changes in the drive configuration. The parameter sets are different for A and B. Each
of the calculated checksum is compared to corresponding reference checksum. If a
mismatch occurs, the drive generates an event (a pure event, warning or fault). The
calculated checksum can be set as the new reference checksum.
The set of parameters for checksum A does not include fieldbus settings parameters.
The parameters included in the checksum A calculation are user editable parameters
in parameter groups 10, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40,
41, 45, 46, 71, 95, 96, 97, 98, and 99.
The set of parameters for checksum B does not include:
• fieldbus settings
• motor data settings, and
• energy data settings parameters.
ACS180 FW.book Page 98 Tuesday, March 9, 2021 2:25 PM