Operating Instructions
Configuration for IP Gateway
Operating Instructions |V1.0
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"Network configuration" page
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Fig. 8:
"Network configuration" page
You can configure your device as required on the "Network configuration" page.
Select "DHCP" if the device is to automatically obtain an IP address.
Static IP address
Please note that the IP address of the gateway does not change when a static address is assigned. A static IP
address only needs to be assigned in exceptional cases to manually configure the network. Click the "Static IP
address" check box to enter the following addresses:
IP Address, Network mask, Default Gateway, DNS.
P os: 39 / #Neus truk tur#/Onlin e-Dokum enta tion (+KNX )/Ü bers chrift en (-- > Für alle Dokum ente <- -)/ 2. E bene/ M - O/K onfig ura tionss eite "Gr undeinstell ung en" @ 3 4\mo d_1 362 494927 689 _15. docx @ 28 4645 @ 1 111111 111 111 1111 111 111 111111 111 111 1111 111 111 111 111 1111111 121111 111 121 111 1111111 111111 111 222 222 2222 222 222222 222 222 222 2222 222 111 111 111111 11 @ 1