| 0073-1-7520
— 3 —
P os: 6 /B usch-Ja ege r (N eust rukt ur)/ Mo dul-S t ruktur/Onli ne-D oku ment ation /Übe rschri ften (- -> Für alle D okum ent e < --)/ 1. Eb ene/S - T /S icher heit @ 18\ mod _13026 127 917 90_ 15.d ocx @ 103 357 @ 1 @ 1
P os: 7 /B usch-Ja ege r (N eust rukt ur)/ Mo dul-S t ruktur/Onli ne-D oku ment ation /Sicher heit (-- > Für alle Dok umente <- -)/W a rn hinweise /Sicher heit - 23 0 V @ 18\m od_ 130 260681 675 0_15 .docx @ 1 033 08 @ @ 1
Electric voltage!
Dangerous currents flow through the body when coming into direct or indirect contact with live
This can result in electric shock, burns or even death.
Disconnect the mains power supply prior to installation and/or disassembly!
Permit work on the 110-240 V supply system to be performed only by specialist staff!
P os: 8 /B usch-Ja ege r (N eust rukt ur)/ Mo dul-S t ruktur/Onli ne-D oku ment ation /Übe rschri ften (- -> Für alle D okum ent e < --)/ 1. Eb ene/A - F /B estimmun gsgemä ßer Geb rau ch @ 18\ mod _13 0276332 131 6_1 5.do cx @ 103483 @ 1 @ 1
Intended use
P os: 9 /DinA 4 - A nl eitun gen Online /Inh alt/K NX /Doo rE ntry /833 25- 2/Besti mmungs gemaesse r Gebr auch - 8 332 5-2-50 0 @ 19\m od_ 132 316 7484272 _15.docx @ 1 109 48 @ @ 1
The 83325/2-500 video distributor is an integral part of the ABB-Welcome door entry system and operates
exclusively with components from this system. The device must only be installed on mounting rails according to
DIN EN 500022.
P os: 10 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -S trukt ur/O nline-Doku mentatio n/Übe rsch rifte n ( --> Fü r alle Doku mente < -- )/1. E bene /U - Z/U mwelt @ 18\mod _13 026 141 5896 7_1 5.docx @ 103 383 @ 1 @ 1
P os: 11 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -S trukt ur/O nline-Doku mentatio n/Umw elt ( --> F ür alle Doku me nte <-- )/Hinweis e/Hinw eis - U mwelt - Hinweis E lektr oge räte @ 1 8\mo d_1 302 763973 434 _15. docx @ 10 3500 @ @ 1
Consider the protection of the environment!
Used electric and electronic devices must not be disposed of with household waste.
The device contains valuable raw materials that can be recycled. Therefore, dispose of the
device at the appropriate collecting facility.
P os: 12 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Uebersc hriften/2 ./A B B Gera ete @ 19 \mo d_1 323162 843 832_ 15. docx @ 11 087 5 @ 2 @ 1
ABB devices
P os: 13 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -S trukt ur/O nline-Doku mentatio n/Umw elt ( --> F ür alle Doku me nte <-- )/Hinweis e/Hinw eis - U mwelt - A B B Elektro geräte @ 19\mo d_1 3231 627 458 39_ 15.docx @ 110 867 @ @ 1
All packaging materials and devices from ABB bear the markings and test seals for proper disposal. Always
dispose of the packaging material and electric devices and their components via authorized collecting facilities
and disposal companies.
ABB products meet the legal requirements, in particular the laws governing electronic and electrical devices and
the REACH ordinance.
(EU-Directive 2002/96/EG WEEE and 2002/95/EG RoHS)
(EU-REACH ordinance and law for the implementation of the ordinance (EG) No.1907/2006)
P os: 14 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Uebersc hriften/1 ./A nwen der handbuc h @ 19\ mod_13 0934722 759 3_1 5.doc x @ 1 07473 @ 1 @ 1
User manual
P os: 15 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/In halt/K NX /Do orE nt ry/S yste mha ndb uch/A nw enderh and buch - A B B @ 19 \mod_1 323 163 157 997_ 15. docx @ 11 088 3 @ @ 1
Detailed information for planning ABB-Welcome systems is contained in the user manual. Download at
P os: 16 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -S trukt ur/O nline-Doku mentatio n/Steu er mod ule - Onlin e-Dokume ntati on ( -- > F ür alle Dokume nte <- -)/ +++ ++ ++ +++ ++ S eitenumb ruch + +++ ++ ++ +++ + @ 9\m od_126 8898668 093 _0. docx @ 521 49 @ @ 1