28 Commissioning
Building Automation
Building Automation
6.1.14 Remote Thermostat Parameters
6.1.5 Parameter window “Controller PWM heating”
Invert heating
- Yes
“Invert heating” is used to adjust the direction of control action of the control value to “de-energised open” or “de-
energised closed” valves.
Cycle time PWM control value (min)
- 1
- 2
- …
- …
- 60
With PWM control, the actuator switches the valve drive depending on the control value. The control thereby checks
the “Cyclic time of the PWM control value”.
Example: for a cyclic time of 10 min. and a control value of 60%, the valve gear is switched on for 6 min. and off for
4 min.
Basically, the following applies for cyclic time: the more inactive the entire system, the higher the cyclic time you
can set.
This parameter is only available if the “Heating” or “Heat and cool” control functions are used and the heating control
type is set to “PWM”.