PREDATOR® Portable Air Scrubber
Models: PRED750 and PRED750EC
Instruction Manual
© Abatement Technologies 2015 All Rights Reserved. No reproduction of any portion of this work is permitted
without the express written permission of Abatement Technologies, Inc.
Read and understand all operating instructions before using the Portable Air Scrubber.
Save this manual for future reference.
This instruction manual provides important information on the use of the Predator
Portable Air Scrubber,
models PRED750 and PRED750EC. These instructions must be carefully followed in order to operate the unit
safely and correctly. If there are any questions regarding the use of the unit, please contact Abatement
Technologies immediately at 800-634-9091 U.S. or 905-871-4720 Canada.
Abatement Technologies strongly urges users of air filtration units and related accessories to follow the most
recent guidelines and/or standards published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration,
Environmental Protection Agency, and all other federal, state, provincial and local regulations.
The PREDATOR® Portable Air Scrubber is a multi-use air filtration device, equipped with pre-filters and a HEPA
filter that are capable of filtering many airborne contaminants. An alternate carbon pre-filter for capturing low
concentrations of odors, vapors, gases, and volatile organic compounds, collectively known as OVG, is also
Types of contaminants captured by particulate pre-filters, HEPA filter, or carbon filters:
Lung-damaging particles
Low concentrations of OVG
Metal fumes
Low concentrations of Volatile
Organic Compounds (VOC)
Drywall dust
Saw dust
Mold and fungal spores
Unpleasant nuisance odors
Note: To capture low concentrations of OVG, a Vapor-Lock
carbon filter must be used.
The PREDATOR® Portable Air Scrubber is capable of providing particulate and odor, vapor, gas filtration with
final stage filtration through a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter. This unit incorporates a series of
particulate filters that successively remove larger size to smaller size particles from the air. In addition to
providing HEPA filtration, the PREDATOR® Portable Air Scrubber is primarily used in a negative pressure or
recirculation mode. A negative pressure condition is created in order to confine contaminated airborne
particles. This condition exists when the static pressure inside the room containing the unit is lower relative to
the pressure of the environment outside the room. The static pressure differential is created and maintained by
continuously exhausting air out of a given room at a faster rate than air enters the room from all other sources.
In the recirculation mode, all of the filtered air is exhausted back into the room containing the unit.