Installation and first-time operation
Aastra 5360/Aastra 5360ip
eud-1279/1.2 – R3.0 – 04.2013
Wall mounting
You can also mount the phone on the wall. To do so, screw the stand rest onto the wall
as a bracket and hook the phone onto the stand rest.
• Fit the screws for securing the stand rest and mount the stand rest (Figure A).
• Connect the handset and phone cord to the phone (Figure B). For the correct con-
nection assignment refer to Chapter
• Insert the phone into the stand rest horizontally (Figure C-1) and slide downwards
(Figure C-2).
• Unscrew the cams for holding the handset (Figures D-1 to D-3).
• Insert the handset.
As there is only a limited amount of space between the sockets on the back of the
phone and the wall on which it is mounted, you need to use a ribbon cable with a
short connector for the cord. Ask your dealer for a list of suppliers for a suitable rib-
bon cable (only Aastra 5360ip).