Personalizing your phone
Aastra 610d
eud-1290/1.2 – R3.0 – 04.2013
Formulating functions
This section explains how to express and execute an individual function, for
example call forwarding, using function commands and function codes.
Function commands, function codes
You can use the predefined selection to allocate functions to a configurable key (see
"Storing a function on a key - function key"
). You can also write your
own functions using function commands and function codes (select
Free configurable
function). The function commands are listed here; the function codes can be found in
the User's Guide "User’s Guide Function Codes" on the
You can use function commands to define a function to suit your personal require-
ments. A function can consist of one or more function commands, function codes,
and the phone number.
The following function commands are available:
Seize line
Seize line in hands-free mode
Pause 1 second before the next operation
Use the phone number entered in call preparation
Control key function (up-circuit system)
Activate/deactivate DTMF mode
Use the phone number last dialled
Disconnect and reseize the line
Other formulation examples:
Seize line ("I"),
Dial phone number last dialled ("R")
Seize line ("I") and dial phone number 201
Seize line ("I"),
activate call forwarding unconditional ("*21") to phone number 201,
disconnect ("X")
Formulating a function code and storing it under a key (example: “Activate presence status”):