3.2.6. Battery capacity estimation without dis-
connecting it from the DC bus
Charger (rectifier) creates an electrical noise at
battery terminals. Despite the enhanced filtering of the
input signal, in some cases the capacity estimation be-
comes impossible or not very reliable. In this case,
Qulon gives the display the appropriate messages and
sound signals (if included). When the message "noise"
arises it is recommended to repeat the battery capacity
estimation without disconnecting clamps from the bat-
tery terminals. If several attempts bring no positive res-
ult, you can try to disconnect clamps from the battery
terminals and connect them back. If this does not help,
the noise level is too high to determine the battery capa-
city without disconnecting battery from the charger.
It should also be borne in mind that the charging
and discharge currents affect the conductivity of the bat-
tery and, consequently, on the readings, so it is advis-
able to make the battery capacity estimation at the mo-
ment when they are small. Not recommended to de-
termine the battery capacity when the battery is supply-
ing the load, or shortly thereafter, when it is heavily
charging. However, the influence of these currents on
the readings is low and usually does not exceed 5-10%.
Readings obtained on a battery connected to a
charger, as a rule, slightly are higher then the readings
for the same battery with the open circuit.
3.3. Qulon’s screen during battery ca-
pacity estimation
If battery capacity estimation succeeds, the ca-
pacity value is shown on the screen.
This result can be saved in memory. Qulon-12ns
has two saving regimes (save modes): saving by default
(result is saved immediately after it appears) and saving
by command (one needs to push button for saving). De-
tailed description of both saving options is made in sec-
tion 5.2.
The screen view is shown on the following fig-
ures depending on chosen regime.
3.3.1. Screen under “save by default” mode
Figure 2 shows screen view for the case when
“save by default” mode is chosen.
Left part of the screen
contains icons describ-
ing button functions.
Menu enter
– press upper button to enter menu
(see section 5).
Delete result
– after pressing the lower button
you will have 3 possibilities:
a) to delete the just made estimation from the
memory and repeat the test automatically;
b) to delete the just made estimation from the
memory without repetition;
c) to return to the last screen.
The centre of the screen
is occupied by esti-