A&D Instruments Ltd, 24 – 26 Blacklands Way, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1DY, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1235 550420
Fax: +44 (0)12350420485
Web: www.aandd-eu.net
MCP1000 Series
Thermal Printer
Report Format
Below is an example statistic report. The report will be language-dependent.
| |
|Date 01/04/04|
|Time 08:00:01|
| |
|N 7|
|TOTAL 15.206 g|
|MAX 16.154 g|
|MIN 14.223 g|
|R 2.761 g|
0.0467 g|
| 15.3452 g|
|SREL 0.0035 |
|CV 3.5000 %|
The results are printed using the following precision rules.
The values for TOTAL, MAX, MIN and R are printed with the same number of decimal places as
used in the readings transmitted by the balance. When received values have different precisions
then the most precise (i.e. most number of DPs) is used.
The values for
, SREL and CV have one additional decimal place to the TOTAL value.
Control Codes and Escape Sequences
MCP series printers contain and respond to a full set of control codes and escape sequences
enabling the user to manipulate font size, positioning, paper feed, barcode printing and many other
features. Please contact A&D for details should you require further information.