TC_301_EN_052014 © AAF International B.V.
Illustration of the front view of the air filter:
Wear gloves when handling the AstroCel I HTP. Finger prints on the filter’s stainless steel components may result in
potentially undesired stains under high temperature.
Lift and hold the filter by its outer frame only when you handle the filter.
Remove the filter gently from its cardboard packaging and plastic wrapping and make sure not to damage the filter.
Make sure you do not touch the filter media, sealant material, separators and stays.
Do not step on the filter or subject it to high impacts such as dropping. Dropping the AstroCel I HTP on the floor or
any other surface may result in damage to the filter media or sealing material and may result in degradation of the
products performance.
Inspection on damages
After unpacking the AstroCel I HTP please carefully inspect the filter for any visible damages to the filter frame,
media pack, separators and sealant material such as holes, tears, deformation of the filter frame and stays.
Do not use the AstroCel I HTP in case of clear visible damage(s) or defects in the filter.
In case of clear visible damage(s), not caused by internal transportation or handling, follow your company’s
complaint procedure and contact your local AAF representative.